Women In Law
Today, we are equally proud of A2Z Venture’s gender parity initiative that brings to life, leading-edge, progressive policies and resources to foster networking, leadership and business development opportunities for women in law. The focus of the initiative is to create a culture of conscious inclusion and involves in-house mentoring, internal and external professional development opportunities to provide the platform for females and business professionals to excel at the firm. A2Z Venture also provides flexible work arrangements to meet other personal needs.
Support For Women’s Community Initiative
A2Z Venture also demonstrates leadership in advancing women in the workforce by participating in numerous community initiatives. At A2Z Venture, we also know that while the gap between women and men caregivers has lessened over the past generation, research shows that women still carry the mainstay of family caregiving responsibilities. A2Z Venture is committed to leading the way towards bridging this gap for women. We provide parental support to assist expectant and new parents with managing their new family dynamics and professional responsibilities, including a toolkit and a mentor to help them easily enter into their parental leave and enjoy their time while planning a smooth transition back to work once the parental leave concludes. New mothers also receive several paid coaching sessions with an external consultant to assist with transition and reintegration issues. Throughout life’s milestones, women at A2Z Venture are poised to succeed.